Terms of Use
1. Of the object
The website www.isae2024.com is aimed at advertising, disseminating and selling items for participation in the Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE 2024) promoted by the Brazilian Society of Ethology (SBEt) and is characterized by the provision of the following service: sale of items for participation in ISAE 2024 such as registration for the event, opening cocktail and mini-courses.
2. Acceptance
This term establishes obligations contracted voluntarily and spontaneously, for an indefinite period, between the organizing committee of the event and the natural or legal persons, users of the site and participants of the event.
When using the site, the user fully accepts these rules, as well as the rules established in each section of the site and undertakes to observe them, under the risk of applying the applicable penalties.
Acceptance of this instrument is essential for accessing and using any services provided for participation in ISAE 2024. If you do not agree with the provisions of this instrument, you must not use them.
3. User access
All technical solutions available and known by the ISAE 2024 Organizing Committee will be used to allow user access to navigate the site. We inform you that the pages may be interrupted, limited, updated, reissued or suspended for updates, modifications or any actions necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the website and ISAE 2024.
4. Registration
Access to the site's functionalities will require prior registration and, depending on items chosen, the payment of a certain amount. When registering, the user must provide complete, recent and valid data, and it is his sole responsibility to keep said data up to date, as well as the user committing himself to the veracity of the data provided.
The user undertakes not to inform third parties of their registration and/or access data, being fully responsible for the use made of them. Minors under the age of 18 and those who do not have full civil capacity must obtain prior express consent from their legal guardians to use the items or services on the website and the ISAE 2024, being their sole responsibility for any access by minors and by those who do not have full civil capacity without prior authorization.
Upon registration, the user expressly declares and guarantees to be fully capable, being able to freely exercise and enjoy the services and items obtained for participation in the ISAE 2024.
The user must provide a valid email address, through which the ISAE 2024 organizing team will carry out all necessary communications. After confirming the registration, the user will have a login and a personal password, which guarantees the user individual access to it. In this way, it is up to the user exclusively to maintain said password in a confidential and secure manner, preventing undue access to personal information.
Any and all activities carried out using the password will be the responsibility of the user, who must promptly inform ISAE 2024 via e-mail: isae2024brazil@gmail.com of any event of misuse of the respective password.
It will not be allowed to assign, sell, rent or transfer, in any way, the website account to third parties, which is personal and non-transferable.
5. Services or products
On the website, the services or items offered for participation in the ISAE 2024 are described and presented with the greatest degree of accuracy possible, containing information about their characteristics, composition, price, among other data. Before finalizing the purchase of a certain item or service, the user must inform himself about the purchase specifications and, in case of doubts, he must contact the ISAE 2024 organization by email: isae2024brazil@gmail.com, before finalizing the same. The delivery of the purchased items or services will be informed at the time of checkout.
6. Prices
The event commission reserves the right to unilaterally readjust, at any time, the values ​​of services or products without prior consultation or consent from the user. The values ​​applied are those that are in effect at the time of the order. Prices are shown in reais and do not include delivery fees, which are specified separately and are informed to the user before finalizing the order. When contracting a certain item or service, the user's financial information may be requested, such as CPF, billing address and card data through the WIX Platform. By entering said data, the user agrees that, according to the payment method chosen, the prices then in force and informed at the time of contracting will be charged. Said financial data may be stored by the WIX Platform, to facilitate access and future contracts.
7. Cancellation
The user may cancel the contracting of services in accordance with the terms defined at the time of contracting. Also, the user may also cancel the services within 7 (seven) days after contracting, by contacting the email isae2024brazil@gmail.com and, in accordance with the Consumer Protection Code (Law no. 8.078/90 ).
8. Support
In case of any questions, suggestions or problems with navigating the site or purchasing subscriptions, the user may contact support via email isae2024brazil@gmail.com.
9. Responsibilities
The user is responsible:
a) compliance with and respect for the set of rules set forth in this Term and General Conditions of Use, in the respective Privacy Policy and in national and international legislation;
d) for the protection of access data to your account/profile (login and password);
The ISAE 2024 Organizing Committee is responsible for:
a) by indicating the characteristics of the service or item;
b) for the information that was disclosed by the site, and the comments or information disclosed by users are the sole responsibility of the users themselves.
10. Copyright
The use and purchase of tickets by the user is personal, individual and non-transferable, with any unauthorized commercial or non-commercial use prohibited. Such uses will constitute a violation of intellectual property rights, punishable by applicable law.
11. Privacy policy
In addition to this Term, the user must consent to the provisions contained in the respective Privacy Policy and to the information provided in all sections of the website presented to all those interested in participating in the ISAE 2024.