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The Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE)

An International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) is held at least once a year and provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of advances in applied animal behavior science and education. Participation in congress inspires further innovations of the scientific community to work on a wide variety of animal species and topics.


With the aim of contributing to contemporary discussions that permeate the relationships between animals, humans and the environment, The Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) will take place in the city of Curitiba, Paraná (Brazil) from July 22th to 26th, 2024, on the campus of Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana (PUCPR) and will have as its theme “Animals and Society: Striking the right balance through Ethology" and will address the interrelationships of different scientific disciplines on the behavior of living systems in the environment, in different contexts with society.​


Harmony between human and non-human animals, based on the scientific understanding of human-animal-environment relationships, contributes to building a free, fair and supportive society that promotes animal and human well-being and sustainability. At the ISAE there will be the dissemination of concepts and practices focused on ethology, with the aim of promoting inter and multi-institutional interactions between promoting entities, sponsors and participants, such as society, scientific associations, companies, industries, public authorities, institutes of research, students and professors from national and international universities.


The event will contribute to the sensitization, awareness and engagement of the participants, collaborating to optimize the scientific developments of ethology from the evolutionary and emotional bases of primates, naturalistic studies to application in the most different areas, such as the welfare of domestic animals. and wild, in understanding the anthropic effects on conservation, technologies and public policies.


*The Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) is committed to equal opportunity, promoting diversity and an environment free of harassment and discrimination, where individuals are treated with respect, equity, dignity and fairness. The organizers and collaborators of the event repudiate any act of harassment and discrimination. Therefore, all forms of political, cultural, physical, religious, national, ethnic, racial, linguistic, gender and age discrimination, etc. are expressly prohibited. We ask the collaboration of participants who witness or become aware of any act of harassment or discrimination during the event to file a complaint with the organization, which will take the necessary measures to resolve it.


The behavior of living systems derives from different concepts and practices with regard to the function, phylogeny, mechanism and ontogeny of behavior, their relationship with their sociobiological, communicational, affective, cognitive, physiological and motivational systems. Every day ethologists innovate and transform contexts and discourses that are often polarized into care and responsible action through science, and thus influence social ethics, culture, economy, policies and professional practices.


The study of behavior is closely linked to the study of the evolutionary and emotional bases of animals, to naturalistic studies, to the welfare of domestic and wild animals, and to conservation. Brazil is among the main exporters of beef, pork and poultry and the market is increasingly demanding products from animals treated with welfare, which is a requirement of the WOAH (World Organization for Animal Health). It is also the third largest country in total pet population.


Ethology is also decisively present in the conservation of wild animals. Ethology professionals assist in mitigating the extinction processes of native fauna species, such as the blue macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii) and the golden-faced lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas). Their research is also central to advancing sustainable development and understanding behavior of primates, an order that also includes humans. Human beings, in particular, have a high level of social life and cooperation, including joint defense of territory, coalition, consolation and reconciliation between individuals of the same group, allowing the study of the evolution of cooperative behaviors also contemplated in ethology.

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