For better visualization, we uploaded the full program on Google Drive. You can access THIS LINK and download it, or scan the QR code below.
If there's any updates, we'll let you know.
To see the detailed program for the one-minute poster presentations, CLICK HERE.
To see the detailed program for coffee break poster presentations, CLICK HERE.
All workshops will take place simultaneously on Wednesday, July 24th, from 16:15 to 18:00. Please choose one to attend.
We advise against switching workshops mid-session, so plan to stay for the entire presentation.
Workshop 1) Using virtual farm tours as a method to teach farm animal welfare — Ethology & Society
Dr. Nichole Anderson, Texas Tech University
16:15-16:30: Introductions, welcome, and start of workshop;
16:30-17:00: Work through one farm tour; experience VR if interested;
17:00-17:30: Work through the second farm tour; experience VR if interested;
17:30-18:00: Conclusions and wrap up.
Workshop 2) The current status of science-based animal welfare evaluation protocols
Prof. Adroaldo Zanella, University of São Paulo
16:15h-16:20h – Introduction of the workshop; Adroaldo José Zanella – School of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
16:20h-16:30h – Contributions of the Animal Welfare Quality Network and the AWIN Project; George Stilwell – School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
16:30h-16:40h – Contribution of the Classyfarm Initiative; Domenico Vecchio - Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno, Italy.
16:40h-17:10h – Animal Welfare Assessment and Certification Programs:
RSPCA Freedom Food; Marc Cooper – Head of Farm Animals, RSPCA, UK
Humane Farm Animal Care, Certified Humane; Rosangela Poletto Catani – Federal Institute of Sertão, Brazil
Produtor do Bem; José Ciocca – Brazil
17:10h-17:30h – Animal Welfare Assessment Protocols and Research:
Welfare Assessment and Sustainability in Extensive Beef Cattle Production; Germana Vizzotto Osowski – School of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Welfare Assessment and Sustainability of Pig Production Systems; Márcia Inês Grapéggia Zanella – School of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil
17:30h-17:40h – Welfare assessment and the official services – Platform Unified to Respond to Accidents Involving Animals – PURAA; Adroaldo José Zanella – School of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
17:40h-17:50h – New Funding Opportunities: European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare (EUPAHW); Emma Fabrega – IRTA, Barcelona, Spain.
17:50h-17:55h – Contribution of the AWIN Project - Animal Welfare Science HUB; Silvia Ferreira da Silva – School of Veterinary and Animal Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
17:55h-18:15h – Open discussion.
Workshop 3) Research Ethics and Diversity in the ISAE
Dr. Fernanda M. Tahamtani, Animalia
16:15-16:25: Introduction to the workshop;
16:25-17:00: Group work: Revision of fictional abstracts;
17:00: Discussion at plenum.
Workshop 4) Integrating Wild Animal Welfare Science into Ethology
Dr. Janire Castellano Bueno, Newcastle University
What is Wild Animal Welfare? (Dr. Janire Castellano Bueno)
Why integrate Welfare into Behaviour Studies? (Dr. Janire Castellano Bueno)
What it is and why should we care
Measuring Welfare
Hints and tips and a word of caution (misconceptions, commonly used indicators, how to choose them) (Dr. Janire Castellano Bueno)
Interactive discussion (Dr. Bonnie Flint)
Measuring Wild Animal Welfare (Dr. Bonnie Flint)
Designing behaviour studies integrating welfare (Dr. Bonnie Flint)