Return Policy
Purchases made on the https://www.isae2024brazil.com website may be canceled by the customer, if it is in their interest. To this end, the following rules must be observed:
1. Cancellation can be carried out within 07 (seven) consecutive days, from the date of purchase through the website. In any case, requests for cancellations made after the event will not be accepted.
2. Only the complete cancellation of the purchase will be accepted, and partial cancellation of the purchase cannot be carried out.
3. Purchases made using promotional codes cannot be cancelled. In these cases, it will be necessary for the user to contact the event's official email isae2024brazil@gmail.com informing what happened.
4. Upon receipt of the purchase cancellation confirmation email, the full amounts paid for the purchase will be reversed through the same payment method used to complete the transaction, following the following terms and conditions by the WIX Platform:
4.1. If the purchase was paid by credit card, the reversal procedure will be carried out within 10 (ten) business days from receipt of the cancellation confirmation email. Credit to the cardholder will depend on the processing of this amount by the issuing bank and the closing date of the invoice. The reversal can be viewed in up to three invoices, a period that does not depend on the WIX Platform, since it stems from the internal procedures of each credit card administrator. We recommend that you consult directly with the card-issuing bank.
4.2. For purchases paid through Paypal, the credit refund period, according to information provided by the WIX Platform, is up to 30 days. We recommend contacting the payment method directly to verify any restrictions, as well as the refund methods used.
4.3. If the purchase is paid using a debit card or PIX, the refund can be viewed in the current account within 15 business days, counting from receipt of confirmation of cancellation.
5. Under no circumstances will it be possible to exchange any items or purchase data (quantity or type of item) after completion. If you wish to change any purchase data, you will need to request its full cancellation (provided that the rules set out in the previous topics are met) and proceed with a new purchase – provided that there are still items available for purchase.