Weather in Curitiba
The average temperature in Curitiba in July for a typical day ranges from a high of 20°C (68°F) to a low of 10°C (50°F). Some would describe it as mildly cool, humid but cool. There's a 22% chance of rain on an average day.
You can check Wanderlog's website for deeper information on Curitiba's weather.
Curitiba's Time Zone is BRT (Brasília Time) UTC/GMT, with less 3 hours.
Medical service and police
If you purchased a private health insurance, check the coverage provided and which services are reference for medical care. If you have not purchased a private health insurance, you need to know that the public health services are free in Brazil.
Foreign tourists with health problems can seek care in the emergency care network of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS - Brazilian Public Health Care) through the following services:
Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU 192)
SIATE - Integrated Service of Trauma Care in Emergency
Accident & Emergency Units (UPA 24h)
Please also check the vaccines necessary for when coming to Brazil.
For safety and emergencies, important numbers are: Firefighters (call 193) and Military Police (call 190).
National currency: Brazilian Real (1 Real = 0.19 Euro)
Most banks are open from 10:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.
Major credit cards are widely accepted throughout the country. ATMs are easily found everywhere.
More information on currency and banks can be found here.
Power supply
For Brazil there are two associated plug types, types C and N. Plug type C is the plug which has two round pins. Plug type N is the plug which has two round pins and a grounding pin. Brazil operates on a 110/220V supply voltage, with Curitiba mainly operating on 110V, and 60Hz.